One Hundred Famous Views of Edo No.25Old miniature Mt. Fuji at Meguro
Two miniature Mt. Fujis were in the Meguro area. The one shown in this print was established in 1812 by volunteers from organizations of Mt. Fuji worshippers on a hillside in Yarigasaki, to the northwest of the one shown in the print “New miniature Mt. Fuji at Meguro”. Being located on elevated land, this one (also 15 metres high) offered the most magnificent view of the real Mt. Fuji. Accordingly, it was frequented all year round by women and children who could not climb the real mountain. As is shown in this print, visitors climbed the miniature Mt. Fuji aided by a zigzag path made on its slope. At the foot of the mountain stood a pine tree taller than the mountain.
The climbing season at Mt. Fuji officially opened on June 1st, and on that same date this miniature mountain would also be crowded with climbers. Some impatient visitors arrived on the previous day and started to climb the miniature mountain immediately upon the clock striking midnight. During the climbing season, many stalls selling food and beverages were set up around the base of the mountain to serve the visitors. Some pious merchants were so generous as to treat climbers to rice cakes on the top of the mountain.
Hiroshige has depicted people who have come here to spend a pleasant day in spring under the cherry blossoms and to enjoy a fine view of the real Mt. Fuji still covered with snow.
This product is created under the brand name 'Edo Woodblock Prints' , which preserves unchanged techniques and methods from the Edo period in creating traditional multi-colored woodblock prints. It has been officially designated as a Traditional Craft by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and as a Tokyo Metropolitan Traditional Craft.
• Printed on premium Echizen Kisuki Hōsho paper
• Print dimensions: approx. 34 cm height × 22 cm width
• Comes framed (See details about our custom frames)
Unframed prints are also available. Please write "Unframed preferred" in the remarks section of your order. We will send you a revised price quote by return email.
These simple yet stylish deep brown wooden frames blend perfectly into any interior.
Since ukiyo-e have unusual aspect ratios, putting them in off-the-shelf frames often results in an unnatural balance between the margins and the print.
Our special ukiyo-e frames allow you to display your prints beautifully as soon as they arrive.
These frames can be used vertically or horizontally by simply repositioning the cord, making it easy to display different prints. And since they use light yet durable acrylic instead of glass, transportation is a stress-free experience.
Corresponding Products: Reproduction ukiyo-e
Dimensions: Height 51.0 cm x Width 35.0cm x Thickness 2.0 cm